Winter came back

I never seem to write as much when back in Iowa. I have spent a reasonable amount of time on medical stuff. I had a biopsy of a spot on my leg, and it came back with basal cell skin cancer, so I have to get a bigger excision done along with some cauterization. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? I have always known I would get some type of skin cancer sooner or later, considering all the horrific sunburns I got while a kid. I also had to have a pre-surgery physical today. Oh, and I finally got a better date for the ENT/allergist. Crazy trying to get everything done in a short period of time.

Otherwise I have been doing a bit of sewing and learning about my new embroidery machine. I drove to Cedar Rapids to get the first class, and it was very helpful. I will be doing a couple of items done tomorrow. We are also going to prep the motorhome for the short trip for the surgery. We will get together with the kids who live in the Cedar Rapids area Sunday and Monday. Surgery Tuesday, follow up Wednesday morning, embroidery machine class on Wednesday afternoon, and choir practice on Wednesday night. Thursday midday I have the follow on leg surgery. Oh, and Thursday is also Maundy Thursday, and I really want to go to church! It will be complicated to get all the appointments done and get the motorhome back home.

Oh, and about that winter! Ridiculous weather Monday and Tuesday were in the 70s, and yesterday had a high in the 30s with ridiculous winds of 40 plus mph. The max wind gust was nearly 70 mph! Trucks blew over on the highway, and the whirligig in the garden was completely destroyed – it is now on the ground in pieces 😢. Sixty miles north of here they had lots of snow, but we only got rain along with our winds.