Black Friday

I do not like to shop. When I have to shop, I try to go when few other people are around. That means that I seldom leave the house on Black Friday! I actually did some shopping today though I waited until 11:00 a.m. My son wanted to buy me some type of sewing gadget for my birthday, so we went to a local quilt store and I picked out a new Omnigrid ruler. I have had my current 7×24 ruler for many years, and it had nicks on the corners where it had been dropped. It was inexpensive enough that I didn’t worry about not using my Joann discount. Joann’s Fabrics is crazy on Black Friday because they run huge sales on flannel and fleece. I stay far away! Same son wanted painting supplies for his birthday and Christmas, so we went to Michael’s for him to educate me about the options. While there we found a wonderful easel and desk that was half-price so he got his birthday present a month early. He was quite pleased, and we will get him paints and brushes for Christmas. Nice productive day, and it wasn’t too crazy.

I am now totally delaying heading into my sewing studio to clean it up. It has gone past the stage of usability, and I need to finish a couple of quilts. They will take space, and far too much of the studio’s horizontal surfaces are covered with scraps of fabric to even think about starting something new. I put together one big trash sack full of scraps already, but I probably have at least one more. There are also bigger scraps that need folding and put away. Sigh. Sewing is much more fun that the aftermath.

Oh, and I didn’t take any pictures yesterday. I had so much fun with family and friends I totally forgot!