We own a house again

We were “homeless” for a few days between selling the Utah house on Monday and closing on the new Iowa house yesterday (Thirsday). Of course the bank account looked pretty nice for a few days LOL! We had hoped to leave for Iowa today, but weather came in to delay us. The truck packing got delayed for the same reason, so we are still at the KOA in Salt Lake City. We do plan on taking off tomorrow morning, hopefully about 12 hours behind the weather.

The house closing in Iowa was a mess. I really owe my son and daughter in law a lot for dealing with so much of it. I have never had a sale be so much trouble. We are literally finding things things wrong with the house about an hour ahead of closing!  The builder’s tradesmen are obviously not careful, and they added some more dents and bumps to the house since the walkthrough on Wednesday. We did get it all finished up, though we gave up on getting their cleaners to do a good job. I just hired another crew to come in Monday.

Still trying to get some sewing done too. I would love to have a baby quilt top completed by the time I have the quilting machine set up. The baby is due in May, and this quilt just might not make it in time.