Another visit to a rain forest

A friend recommended we visit the Quinault Lodge, an old private resort just outside Olympic National Park. We did that Friday, and yes, the Lodge was nice.

But wow, the surrounding rainforest was tremendous! I can not use words to describe the luxurious foliage that is everywhere, and my pictures only capture part of the beauty.

Every piece of bark was an entire colony of various mosses
The mosses grew on pretty much everything including concrete and the roof of this little information sign.
There were waterfalls. Can you see Kevin center left?
Kevin describes this as going through a canyon of green
One of the bigger waterfalls
Did I say luxuriant everywhere? Ferns were all over the hillsides.
The forest was mixed deciduous and conifers with both young and old trees.

I think I liked the Quinault rainforest even better than the Hoh rainforest!

We also visited the largest spruce tree in the world. The sign says 191’ tall and about 1000 years old. Amazingly impressive.

See the 10 year old girl at the bottom?

We topped the day off with another trip to the beach. Sitting watching the waves, kids playing in the sand, and the surf anglers was very relaxing.

Today we just hung around the coach except when we went out to brunch and bought groceries. We had that odd kind of coastal rain where the drops aren’t really big enough to call it a rain, but the quantity was too much to call it just a mist. It dripped off the awning pretty much all day, so I just streamed old Inspector Morse shows. Not a bad way to spend the day after all the running around we have been doing. Tomorrow we leave the Casino and head to Ainsworth State Park in Oregon. I have to drive through Portland, so we want to out pretty early. I find Sunday mornings a great time to drive through big cities.