Kittens, restaurants, and shopping

I am striving to be more frequent in my posts. I hope it lasts!

Luna and Minnie are still settling in. Minnie, in particular, still has a tendency to hide whenever she sees our legs. She is perfectly happy to get petted if she is on her cat tower, but she is on the floor and we walk toward her, she gets spooked. I actually wonder if she has been kicked before. Cats can have long memories, even of accidents. Thank goodness we got the two together since they play a lot together. They wouldn’t be nearly as happy with the limited play they get from us, though we do play with them about an hour a day. They are particularly fond of feather sticks.

They do love the cat tower

These are their normal locations. Luna loves to sit on top, surveying her world. Minnie prefers to look at the world from her safe spot. I wish I could show the color of Luna’s eyes; they are a deep golden color that is truly stunning.

It feels so very odd to be going to restaurants. We spent so many months doing drive through and carry-out I keep forgetting  we can actually go into restaurants. So far we have eaten at a couple of Mexican restaurants (with margaritas!), a steak place, and a few breakfast places. We haven’t done any “fine dining” yet, mostly because we don’t have many open where I live. So many restaurants closed or went to greatly reduced menus! Of course that would also mean putting on slacks instead of the jeans I live in, so it is a mixed blessing.

We also have done some shopping, the type where you actually go into a store and look around, not just order online. I bought a bunch of new bedding for,our spare bedrooms plus new towels for the guest bath. Today we went to Trader Joe’s to stock up on some of their specialties. I adore their coconut shrimp, ginger biscuits (British cookies), biscotti (nice small ones that are a treat instead of a complete meal), plus some of their sweets. We can now use our own reusable bags there and at our local grocery stores, a real plus. I am so tired of the thousands of plastic bags we have accumulated. Yes, I take the plastic to the recycle center, but I still prefer the reusable bags for ease of use.

I have been doing some quilt piecing too. I have 2/3 of the main part of a king sized quilt completed. However I can’t find the pieces for the rest of it! I am going to have to bite the bullet and clean my sewing studio completely. I know those pieces are around, but I have so much miscellaneous stuff laying around that I can’t find them! So that is tomorrow’s job. Pray for me!